Thursday, March 10

Exercising and Hair

I just came from one of the most fun, intense, and productive work-outs. Yes, I am talking about Zumba!
I loooooove Zumba..I felt like I was at the club..haha, but working out at the same time.
BUT I spent 45 minutes of that hour sweating my butt off. I knew as soon as I got home and took a shower, I would also co-wash my hair. BUT some people prefer not to co-wash their hair..and also like to preserve their hair style. So...let me offer a few tips.

First, you can:

  • Try choosing a form of exercise that doesn't make you sweat too,.maybe riding a bike, skating, taking a long walk..there are many options
  • If you do prefer an intense work-out, maybe wait until the day of or before wash day to do so (this is for those who wash once a week)
For those that wear straight styles and prefer to wear your hair down:

  • Wear your hair in a high-pony tail while exercising and do not take it down until it is fully dry. I would also invest in a sweat band, to soak up the excess sweat
  • wrap your hair(like cross wrap or do a doobie) while working out, and do not take the wrap down until your hair is full dry
*For both above options, make sure you clean your scalp, using a Q-tip, with Sea Breeze, Witch Hazel or Rose Water

2 Things about Exercising:

  • You should never sacrifice your health for your hair
  • It should also not be treated as a chore- Do something you like!

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